We create 2 specific types of videos for nonprofit organizations, that directly impact donations in a positive way.
Call now to learn more 410-807-6119.
High Quality with High Vibration.
Our team of highly motivated creative professionals will guide you through the entire production process.
We’re ready to create something from scratch, or work with what you’ve got.
“A happy and healthy community is not a fairytale. All you need is a seed.”
Video could be the solution you’re looking for. In today’s online world, video is the most powerful communication tool we have. The research shows it works, provides consistently positive ROI, and keeps your audience engaged better than still photos or text.
If you’d like to explore video as a means to increase awareness of your organization, increase donations, and keep your donors coming back, then I would love to talk with you!
Use the form to the left to get in touch, or just call me directly at 410-807-6119. I sincerely look forward to speaking with you.
Our Mission
It is the mission of Do Good Video to harness the power of our video production skills and talents, to simply “do good”. Regardless of project or audience size, we intend to use our abilities for producing high quality, visually appealing, and captivating content, to spread positive messages and stories around the globe. We serve individuals, companies, and organizations alike; anyone who has a need for video production, and a positive message to share. We strive to create videos that inspire, enlighten, heal, and/or help anyone who finds themselves a witness to our creations.
Did You Know These Facts About Video?
of consumers would rather watch a video over reading text on a page
of users visit websites after viewing a company’s video on social media
increase in click-through rate when placing videos inside of email leads
Modern science tells us that everything has a resonate vibration, even love and fear. With love vibrating at a higher frequency and fear vibrating at a lower one. So, when a person feels love their heart rate increases, and they literally raise the vibration they're sending out into the world. Same goes for when a person feels fear. Except with fear your vibration slows, and that then becomes what you send out. Now, when another person is around you, they will actually pick up on your vibration and start to embody it! It's quite an amazing thing, and in fact has been proven through scientific measurement.
Get Involved
So, with this in mind, at Do Good Video we say let's create more loving vibrations! This is why we choose to work with clients who want to share positive messages and stories. These stories in themselves then become beacons of positive vibration. Such that, when a person watches a video that has a positive or loving message, the viewer takes on that loving vibration and embodies it. They then carry that loving vibration with them, whether they realize it or not. When they interact with others in their day to day lives, this loving vibration has the opportunity to spread infinitely.