Empower Yourself
With professional video!
There’s just enough time to empower your End of Year marketing and giving Campaigns with video.
If you’re thinking ahead, consider leveraging the power of video in 2024!
Review the Video Packages.
Got Questions?
Ready to Make a Video?
Video Packages
Purpose: Create a 1-2min EOY “Ask” video, using your existing video content.
Scope: This requires you to already have previously recorded video content. This could include interviews with directors, staff, board, and clients. It could also include video of your past events, donation sites, volunteer activity, staff at work, and/or field operations. DGV will curate, manage, and edit all of these assets together, to create a video that “Asks” for an End of Year gift from your audience. This video can be shared via email campaigns, email signatures, newsletters, social media posts/reels/stories, direct mail QR code, website, on landing pages, donation pages, within a press release, on blog post, at events and conferences, or as a paid video ad. This video may or may not require a voiceover (VO), depending on your pre-existing content.
Cost: $1,500
Purpose: Create a 1-2min EOY “Ask” video, using NEW content created by DGV.
Scope: DGV interviews 1-3 individuals from either your directors, managers, staff, donors, volunteers, or clients. We also come to your offices, or attend an event, in order to film “B-roll” content that will be used to supplement the interview content. We edit all this together to create a short, but impactful End of Year “Ask” video. This option gives you more control over the creative aspects of the video, because your not limited by pre-existing assets. As above, this video can be shared via email campaigns, email signatures, newsletters, social media posts/reels/stories, direct mailer QR code, website, on landing pages, on donation pages, within a press release, on blog posts, at events and conferences, or as a paid video ad.
Cost: $5,000
Purpose: Create a series of 6 EOY “Ask” Videos, using NEW content created by DGV.
Scope: DGV interviews 4-6 individuals from your directors, managers, staff, donors, volunteers, or clients, making sure we hear from a variety of voices. We come to your offices, or attend an event, in order to film “B-roll” content that will be used to supplement the interview content. We edit all this together to create a series of short, impactful End of Year “Ask” videos. This option gives you control, variety, and an abundance of content. You can run simultaneous campaigns, giving you more data feedback to realize what your audience likes, and dislikes. Once you know what they like, you can double down in those areas. As above, this video can be shared via email campaigns, email signatures, newsletters, social media posts/reels/stories, direct mailer QR code, website, on landing pages, on donation pages, within a press release, on blog posts, at events and conferences, or as a paid video ads.
Cost: $12,000
EOY “Ask” Sample
Next Steps
If you know what you want and your ready to take action, or at least you know you want a video, click LET’S MAKE A VIDEO to get started on working with us!
If you’re interested, but you have some questions first, click I HAVE QUESTIONS to schedule a quick 15 minute intro call. Or use the contact form to send us a message.